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海盗湾(The Pirate Bay,缩写:TPB),对大大皆 BT 深爱者来说,是个如雷贯耳的存在(虽然在天朝探听,需要翻墙)。建立于2003 年的海盗湾是全国最大的 BitTorrent tracker(BT种子职业器),由于版权原因国产,屡次被取缔和检验,职业器曾经屡次搬家。2007年海盗湾致使筹资准备买下私东谈主国度西兰公国,以建立莫得版权法、属于他们的理思国度,不外临了因为价钱太贵莫得奏效。但彪悍的东谈主生从来不需要评释注解,刻下,他们又在实行一个牛B的决议:辐照无东谈主飘扬器到地球的低轨谈上,在其上建立海盗湾的职业器站点集群(TPB LOSS系统)。昨天,海盗湾的博客网站上发表了一篇《TPB LOSS》的贴子,我将其粗略翻译如下:
TPB LOSS - 海盗湾低轨谈职业器集群系统We were down a few hours earlier today. There's no need to worry, we haven't been raided this time. We're only upgrading stuff since we're still growing.
One of the technical things we always optimize is where to put our front machines. They are the ones that re-direct your traffic to a secret location. We have now decided to try to build something extraordinary.
With the development of GPS controlled drones国产, far-reaching cheap radio equipment and tiny new computers like the Raspberry Pi, we're going to experiment with sending out some small drones that will float some kilometers up in the air. This way our machines will have to be shut down with aeroplanes in order to shut down the system. A real act of war.
跟着 GPS 导航的无东谈主飞机器、低廉量又足的无线电辐照斥地,以及象 Raspberry Pi 这么的新超微电脑(译注:一种仅售价25~35好意思元的低价电脑)的发展,咱们估计辐照一些无东谈主飞机器到离大地几公里的高空,手脚海盗湾的职业器集群点。如果再思要干掉咱们的斥地和系统,就必须使用飘扬器。而这么作念,那便是战争行为了。
We're just starting so we haven't figured everything out yet. But we can't limit ourselves to hosting things just on land anymore. These Low Orbit Server Stations (LOSS) are just the first attempt. With modern radio transmitters we can get over 100Mbps per node up to 50km away. For the proxy system we're building, that's more than enough.
虽然,任重谈远,要信得过惩处这些,还有很多问题要解决。但咱们受够了这些将职业器放在陆地上的日子,刻下,这些低轨谈职业器集群(TPB LOSS) 便是咱们的第一次尝试。运用当代无线传输期间,咱们能将数据以 100Mbps 的速率,从每个无东谈主机节点传输到 50公里之外的方位,这关于咱们正在建筑的代理职业器而言,依然饱胀了。
But when time comes we will host in all parts of the galaxy, being true to our slogan of being the galaxy's most resilient system. And all of the parts we'll use to build that system on will be downloadable.
[配图] “我的征程是星辰大海”之BT网站版:将BT职业器开遍全星河系
“we will host in all parts of the galaxy",——咱们的职业器,将会遍布星河系!还铭刻这句话吗?——“我的征程是星辰大海”,执行版的《星河硬汉听说》啊!
仔细看了一下日期,今天好象还不是 04.01。如果有那么一天,我就去这组织应聘火星片区的网管国产,有同去的么?
与海盗湾、BT下载关系的其他著作 维基百科:海盗湾 Raspberry Pi - An ARM GNU/Linux box for $25 前一篇:惟有一千八,穿越盛唐大清不是梦下一篇:【软件用户的故事】大大皆的简体华文用户,写不好一封有基本礼节的邮件