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色中色电影 等不足马丁新作,东说念主工智能续写《冰与火之歌》!思看戳这里 - 四房色播
色中色电影 等不足马丁新作,东说念主工智能续写《冰与火之歌》!思看戳这里
发布日期:2024-10-23 19:23    点击次数:91



为了给苦苦恭候的粉丝们找点乐趣,软件工程师扎克·图特(Zack Thoutt)让轮回神经网罗东说念主工智能本领学习该剧原著《冰与火之歌》前五部的内容,然后续写五章剧情。这些东说念主工智能创作的情节与粉丝早前的一些测度部分吻合,比如,詹姆最终杀死了瑟曦,囧雪成了龙骑士,而瓦里斯毒死了龙母。若是你感深嗜,不错在GitHub的主页上检察系数章节。



After feeding a type of AI known as a recurrent neural network the roughly 5,000 pages of Martin's five previous books, software engineer Zack Thoutt has used the algorithm to predict what will happen next. 软件工程师扎克·图特让一种名为轮回神经网罗的东说念主工智能本领学习了《冰与火之歌》前五部近5000页的内容,然后愚弄该算法瞻望接下来的情节。


According to the AI's predictions, some long-held fan theories do play out - in the five chapters generated by the algorithm so far, Jaime ends up killing Cersei, Jon rides a dragon, and Varys poisons Daenerys. 凭据东说念主工智能的瞻望,一些粉丝早前的测度果真出现了。在该算法刻下撰写的五章内容中,詹姆最终杀死了瑟曦,囧雪成了龙骑士,而瓦里斯毒死了龙母。



Each chapter starts with a character's name, just like Martin's actual books. 和马丁本东说念主撰写的演义相同色中色电影,每章打头的翰墨王人是一个变装的名字。

But in addition to backing up what many of us already suspect will happen, the AI also introduces some fairly unexpected plot turns that we're pretty sure aren't going to be mirrored in either the TV show or Martin's books, so we wouldn't get too excited just yet. 不外,咱们也不要太过鼓动,因为除了存在许多东说念主一经瞻望会发生的剧情外,这个东说念主工智能算法还引入了一些令东说念主巧合的情节,它们十足不会出当今电视剧或马丁的演义中。

For example, in the algorithm's first chapter, written from Tyrion's perspective, Sansa turns out to be a Baratheon. 举例,算法编写的第一章从小恶魔的视角写说念,珊莎其实属于拜拉席恩眷属。


There's also the introduction of a strange, pirate-like new character called Greenbeard. 书中还出现了一个名叫Greenbeard的怪咖,这个新变装的身份和海盗雷同。

"It's obviously not perfect," Thoutt told Sam Hill over at Motherboard. "It isn't building a long-term story and the grammar isn't perfect. But the network is able to learn the basics of the English language and structure of George R.R. Martin's style on its own." 图特在收受Motherboard采访时告诉山姆•希尔,“这个算法彰着并不竣工,它不成编写长篇故事,语法也有问题。但是神经网罗不错自学英语的基本言语学问以及马丁的文风结构。”

Neural networks are a type of machine learning algorithm that are inspired by the human brain's ability to not just memorize and follow instructions, but actually learn from past experiences. 神经网罗是一种机器学习算法,狡计灵感来自于东说念主脑的记念能力、罢职请示的能力以及从昔时劝诫学习的能力。

A recurrent neural network is a specific subclass, which works best when it comes to processing long sequences of data, such as lengthy text from five previous books. 一个轮回神经网罗是一个特定的子集,最擅所长分长的数据序列,比如《冰与火之歌》前5部冗长的文本。

In theory, Thoutt's algorithm should be able to create a true sequel to Martin's existing work, based off things that have already happened in the novels. 表面上,图特的算法应该能基于书中一经出现的剧情创作出《冰与火之歌》着实的续集。

But in practice, the writing is clumsy and, most of the time, nonsensical. And it also references characters that have already died. 但本体上,这个算法的写稿能力还很初级,大部天职容王人不知所云,还会提到一经死掉的变装。


Still, some of the lines sound fairly prophetic: 不外,有些台词照旧有一定预言性的:

"Arya saw Jon holding spears. Your grace," he said to an urgent maid, afraid. "The crow's eye would join you. 他对一个慌乱的女仆说,“陛下,艾莉亚看到雪诺拿着长矛。乌鸦的眼睛会随着你。”

"A perfect model would take everything that has happened in the books into account and not write about characters being alive when they died two books ago," Thoutt told Motherboard. 图特告诉Motherboard:“竣工的算法模子能把书中的系数剧情探求在内,且不会再让两部以前往世的变装再次回生。”

"The reality, though, is that the model isn't good enough to do that. If the model were that good authors might be in trouble ... but it makes a lot of mistakes because the technology to train a perfect text generator that can remember complex plots over millions of words doesn't exist yet." “但是,本体上这个算法当今还不够完善。若是它有那么竣工的话,作者们可能就要丢饭碗了……竣工的翰墨创作机器不错记着数百万字的复杂剧情,当今的本领还不成磨砺出这种功能,它会犯许多颠倒。”

One of the main limitations here is the fact that the books just don't contain enough data for an algorithm. 最主要的局限之一是书中包含的数据对一个算法而言是不够的。

Although anyone who's read them will testify that they're pretty damn long, they actually represent quite a small data set for a neural network to learn from. 诚然《冰与火之歌》的读者王人以为这部演义太长了,但是关于神经网罗要学习的数据集来说,这些内容太少了。

But at the same time they contain a whole lot of unique words, nouns, and adjectives which aren't reused, which makes it very hard for the neural network to learn patterns.| 此外,书中包含了许多专有的词汇、名词和描摹词,它们莫得重叠出现,这使得神经网罗很难学习到形式。

Thoutt told Hill that a better source would be a book 100 times longer, but with the level of vocabulary of a children's book. 图特告诉希尔,更顺应的数据源是一册比《冰与火之歌》长100倍,且词汇水平特殊于儿童典籍的书本。

英文开端:交易内幕网 翻译&剪辑:董静 审校:丹妮色中色电影

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